FPPC Forms
The Political Reform Act, Government Code section 81000 et seq., requires local government agencies to adopt and promulgate Conflict of Interest Codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 Cal. Code Regs., § 18730) which contains the terms of a standard Conflict of Interest Code, which may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act after public notice and hearings.
Designated Form 700 filers, listed in the below Board Policy 4010, need only disclose those financial interests falling within the disclosure categories designed for that filer's position.
A copy of the statement of economic interest for Monterey County Office of Education filers may be obtained by visiting the office of the Fair Political Practices Commission or the Monterey County Clerk at the addresses below:
Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
Monterey County Clerk
168 West Alisal Street, First Floor
Salinas, CA 93901
The statement of economic interest may be available in an electronic format. Please visit the Fair Political Practice Commission at www.fppc.ca.gov for more information.
If you have questions regarding filing obligations, contact the FPPC at their toll free number 1-866-ASK-FPPC or 1 (866) 275-3772.
Filers may use the interactive form available on the FPPC website on the Fair Political Practice Commission website .
The Statement of Economic Interests Reference Pamphlet is also available through the FPPC website.