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Meet the Cabinet

The Superintendent's Cabinet is made up of the executive staff from each division/department of the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE). Weekly meetings are held with the Monterey County Superintendent of Schools to discuss issues relevant to their divisions and departments, share concerns and explore solutions, collaborate to constantly improve processes, and assist with decision making and related operational activities.

Dr. Ralph Porras

Dr. Ralph Porras

Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Colleen Stanley

Dr. Colleen Stanley

Chief Business Official
Dr. Caryn Lewis

Dr. Caryn Lewis

Assistant Superintendent
Leigh Butler

Leigh Butler

Chief Human Resources Officer
Dr. Ernesto Vela

Dr. Ernesto Vela

Assistant Superintendent Student Services
Adam Gavalla

Adam Gavalla

Chief Technology Officer
Elizabeth Arabia

Elizabeth Arabia

Assistant Superintendent Special Education
Teri Pimentel

Teri Pimentel

Communications & Public Relations Officer