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Monterey Bay Charter School

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In 1998, parents and teachers, inspired by the Waldorf model of education, founded Monterey Bay Charter School. In 2006, the school was given its first autonomous charter status by the Board of the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE). Monterey Bay Charter School is a tuition-free public school using Waldorf-inspired methods integrated with State standards, and emphasis on a solid academic foundation, artistic expression, and social/emotional development. A holistic, arts-integrated approach to learning emphasizes the child’s relationship to the natural world thereby promoting respect for the environment and humankind. The goal is to nurture the whole child with the objective of enabling students to become self-motivated, competent life-long learners.

As a County-wide charter school, students come from all communities including Seaside, Monterey, Marina, Pacific Grove, Carmel, Big Sur, and Salinas. Committed to educating the whole child, the school endeavors to foster the unfolding of each child’s full potential.

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