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Multi-Tiered System of Supports

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports?

California’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (CA MTSS) is an integrated, comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, social emotional learning, and mental health for the benefit of all students' success. CA MTSS offers the potential to create needed systematic change through intentional design and redesign of services and supports to quickly identify and match to the needs of all students. The hope of MTSS is that every student will be given the support and opportunity to thrive in the most inclusive learning environment. The evidence-based domains and features of the California MTSS framework provide opportunities for LEAs to strengthen school, family, and community partnerships while developing the whole child in the most inclusive, equitable learning environment thus closing the equity gaps for all students.

california mtss logo

How does Monterey County Office of Education support districts with their implementation of MTSS?

MCOE has a team of educators who can support districts with the implementation of MTSS. The team is comprised of experts in the area of MTSS, general education, special education, and school climate and culture. Through both regional work and LEA level work, this team can help lead professional development sessions that focus on tiers for academic, behavior, transformative social-emotional instruction and mental health support through administrative leadership, instructional pedagogy, family and community engagement, and policies and practices.

Under the MTSS Umbrella

Contact Us

Gretchen Kelly

Program Coordinator II