Finance & Business Services
Mission Statement
We provide excellent customer support services from the heart, to our internal programs and external local educational agencies, using high quality professional standards and innovative and efficient systems, always with a presumption of positive intent, to ensure fiscal accountability for all public education dollars.
The Finance and Business Services Division is responsible for financial services and the day-to-day operations for budget, accounting, payroll, retirement reporting, payables, and other business-related services for the Monterey County Office of Education and the public school agencies in Monterey County.
Under the direction of the Chief Business Official of Finance and Business Services, the Division provides effective administrative, financial, and business services systems for the County Office of Education, 24 K-12 School Districts, two Community College Districts, four Joint Powers Agencies, and various charter schools.
The Division has three basic functions which include:
- Business operations and support for MCOE internal departments and programs.
- Payroll Services, which includes generating payroll for MCOE employees. In addition, provides guidance and processing of school district and JPA payrolls.
- Services to school districts, which includes advice and support for district business functions. A major component is the AB-1200 statutory oversight of school district fiscal operations.
The professionals in the Finance and Business Services Division have been trained in various aspects of school business operations, from risk management, administrative support to payroll taxes and budget recommendations. By performing legally mandated services and technical advice to districts, the Division provides a base of support to district financial operations.
Our goal is to assure the fiscal accountability and stewardship of the public's education dollars and to support the foundation for education by providing leadership and guidance in high quality, responsive, administrative support services and systems.
Forms can be found in the navigation menu under Finance & Business Forms.