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Integrated Systems of Support

Statewide Initiatives

Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) is part of the Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health, a historic investment by the State of California that takes a “whole child” approach to address the factors that contribute to the mental health and well-being of our children and youth.

Medi-Cal Transformation

Medi-Cal is working to build a more coordinated, person-centered, and equitable health system that works for everyone. Members will have access to new and improved services and receive well-rounded care that goes beyond the doctor's office or hospital and addresses all of their physical and mental health needs. These bold changes include initiatives that are part of the CalAIM waiver.

Local Educational Agency Medical Billing Option Program

The Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program (LEA BOP) reimburses LEA BOP Providers (school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, state special schools, community college districts, California State Universities, and University of California campuses) the federal share of the maximum allowable rate for approved health-related services provided by qualified health service practitioners to Medi-Cal eligible students.​

School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities

The School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (SMAA) program reimburses school districts for the federal share (50%) of the certain costs for administering the Medi-Cal program. 

Those activities include: Outreach and Referral; Facilitating the Medi-Cal Application; Arranging Non-Emergency/Non-Medical Transportation; Program Planning and Policy Development; and MAA Claims Coordination. 

MCOE Initiatives

Multi-tiered system of Support (CA MTSS)

An integrated, comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, social-emotional learning, and mental health for the benefit of all students' success. MCOE has a team of educators who can support districts in implementing MTSS.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 

A decision-making framework that guides the selection, integration, and implementation of evidence-based behavioral practices. PBIS is a collaboration between district staff, school staff, and even community partners to design an evidence-based, three-tiered framework to integrate data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where ALL students succeed.

Social Emotional Learning

Vision is to ensure that ALL students are equipped with the skills and competencies that help them successfully navigate and meaningfully contribute to their schools, careers, families, relationships, and their diverse communities. MCOE will establish an interconnected, sustainable tiered system of support to improve social-emotional learning development and mental health in our districts and schools.

Homeless Children and Youth Services Program 

Serves all Monterey County’s 24 school districts, 8 charter schools, MCOE’s alternative education programs, 14 state preschool programs, MCOE’s Head Start/Early Learning sites, our community colleges, and all shelters serving families and unaccompanied youth throughout Monterey County. It is our mission to provide leadership and support to all of our districts, charter schools, programs, homeless liaisons, and community collaborative partners dedicated to improving the quality of life for our children.

Foster Youth Services

Coordinating Program (FYS) is a program offered by the Monterey County Office of Education designed to serve the unique needs of children and youth placed in foster care.   Our primary mission is to ensure foster students achieve academic growth and success both in the short term and in the long term.