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Digital Citizenship

young teenagers on their mobile devices

Monterey County Home Charter School will facilitate each student's development of the technological schools and knowledge needed to be a responsible digital citizen and an effective user of technology.

Monterey County Home Charter School has partnered with Common Sense Media to deliver curriculum designed to assist students in becoming even more respectful and responsible digital citizens! In addition, delivery of such curriculum ensures that MCHCS is in compliance with AB 86 (EC 48900 - i.e., cyberbullying) and AB 746 (EC 32261 - i.e., the posting of messages on social network internet websites and applications).

MCHCS's first "Digital Citizenship Awareness Month" (DCAM) began in March of 2014. Currently-enrolled students should check with their teacher to ensure that they have satisfied the requirements of DCAM; in short, however, students will be required to complete at least one unit from the Common Sense Media Library.

MCHCS began offering two DCAMs per school year during the 2014-15 school year

Please see the Monthly Events Calendar for Digital Citizenship Awareness Month activities.

For additional digital citizenship resources, check out the following resources:

Common Sense Media   Don't Laugh At Me (DLAM)   Teaching Tolerance