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Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) Forms


As per Education Code 32280, schools must adopt a Comprehensive School Safety Plan that meets the requirements of Education Code 32281-32289, and this plan must be LEA Board approved and updated by the School Site Council by March 1 of each year.

The Monterey County Office of Education must verify that safety plans have been completed for the current year, and that each plan contains the required elements as listed in Education Code 32281-32289.

Below are the verification forms that schools must complete and return to the County Office on an annual basis.

Compliance Tool for a Comprehensive School Safety Plan:
Checklist of Required and Recommended Components for a Comprehensive School Safety Plan

Comprehensive School Safety Plan Verification 2023-2024:
Form A | Form B

Comprehensive School Safety Plan Verification 2024-2025:
Form A | Form B

School sites may submit completed forms to the Deputy Superintendent's office by email: