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District and Organization Training Requests

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Monterey County Special Education Local Plan Area
Regional Collaboration for Student Success
901 Blanco Circle · West Campus 17 and 18 · Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 755-0342 · Fax (831) 754-5865

Monterey County SELPA is working to meet the changing needs of our districts and local organizations. Training opportunities listed on this menu are available if requested by an administrator from your organization located in Monterey County. Select the form icon after the training title to view a flyer for the workshop. To complete a request for training, select the Request Form button on the flyer, and a survey will be generated. Your request will be assigned to a specific program specialist during our next staffing meeting. The assigned program specialist will contact you to develop a service plan. Please provide your request at least 15 working days before the date you would like the training to occur.

SELPA Professional Development

District and Organization Training Requests