Parent Resources
Dear Parents:
Welcome to the Monterey County Office of Education Special Education Regional Programs!
MCOE offers special education programs to school districts to provide a self contained special class option and related services for their students with moderate to severe disabilities. MCOE special education programs offer districts the ability to consider a full continuum of options to meet the needs of a wide range of students with disabilities, with the emphasis on serving students in the least restrictive environment. When a district has a student needing a more restrictive environment, due to the nature and severity of the disability, they may consider referring the student to the MCOE regional program.
The IEP team meets to determine the most appropriate placement, and may decide that an MCOE regional class is the most appropriate. As a parent, you have an important role as a member of the IEP team.
Once your child has been referred by your home school district, and accepted in an MCOE Special Education program, you will be invited to attend the IEP meetings for placement. A representative from the school district of residence will also participate as a team member.
We hope that you will find our website to be your resource for information about services are offered in our special programs. You can explore links to the California Department of Education and other resources to view the latest information for special education, and you will be able to find contact information for our staff and school sites.
- Community Advisory Committee
- California Department of Education
- Early Start Infant Program
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing Itinerant Services
- Blind/Visually Impaired Itinerant Services