Driver Classes
Register with the Mission Trails ROP Center
Cost: $75.00 Renewals / $125.00 Originals
Contact: Adriana for more information: 831.753.4307
When: Saturday Morning, 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. / 8:00 – 3:30
Where: Original Mission Trails ROP Center, 867 Laurel Drive, Salinas
Day 1
Unit I
Introduction, Commercial Driver License Info
Day 2
Unit II, III, IV
Rules & Regulations, Bus Use, Vehicle Components
Day 3
Unit V,VI
Defensive Driving, Specialized Driving
Unit IX, XI, XII
Passenger Management, Special Needs, Public Relations
Day 4
Student Loading, Emergency Procedures
Unit VI
Vehicle Components
Day 5
Unit X, II, III
Activity Trips, More Rules & Regulations, Bus Use
All Units Review & FINAL!
What Do I Need to Bring?
CHP 82.7 Safety Handbook
- Pencil
- Binder
- Note Paper
- Highlighter
- Snacks and Drinks
There is no lunch break.
Optional Class
First Aid Practices
You must attend each class in order to complete the course.
No Exceptions!