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Monterey County CALPADS Connections

Vital Resources

California School Information Services (CSIS)

As a service of FCMAT, CSIS assists LEAs in addressing a variety of challenges in the management and exchange of public school student, staff and institutional information.

For support with the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), CSIS designates staff to help us succeed in learning, troubleshooting, error resolution, bug fixes, and many other tasks to successfully report data and meet deadlines. Check out some of their helpful resources: 

CSIS YouTube ChannelCSIS WebsiteLEA Contacts

Upcoming Important Dates

Office of Education, 901 Blanco Cir, Salinas, CA 93901, USA, Room H

Shout Out!

These pages include resources created and/or shared by San Diego COE, and whose CALPADS Connections has been an invaluable source of inspiration for our own Connections group. Many thanks to Erika Montgomery at SDCOE for leading that amazing group, graciously sharing resources, and being a vital collaborator to help us launch our own CALPADS Connections.